
(All health care practitioners have one. Here is mine!)

You are resilient. You are adaptable.

You don’t need a “fix”—our bodies do that for us!

You need clarity, guidance, and a little reassurance that you’re on the road to recovery.

This is how physiotherapy helps! We start by getting to know you and your pain or injury experience. A thorough assessment helps us to understand the physical aspects of your condition. If necessary, referral to other medical providers will be discussed. Once we have a stared understanding of your pain or injury, then comes the fun part: building a game plan! Our plan will focus on how you can manage your rehabilitation and recovery. Which of your favourite activities can you keep doing (and which might we need to modify or pause for the short term)? Are there specific exercises you can add in to help bridge the gap back to your normal—or even beyond your normal—function? How can you better manage your pain along the way? Finally, our game plan will involve a process for evaluating your progress and dealing with flare-ups or setbacks along the way. (Setbacks happen: best to be ready for them!)

At Quinn Taylor Physiotherapy, you can expect to leave your first session with:

  • Clarity about your pain or injury experience.

  • Personalized guidance on what can you do to promote recovery and get back to your favourite activities.

  • Reassurance about what to expect along the way (and what to do if things don’t go according to plan).

If you have questions about what this might mean for your specific situation, feel free to contact me before choosing to book an appointment.